• Yuusha-sama, Sakuya mo Otanoshimi deshita ne.

  • Author(s) : Ochi R
  • Status : Ongoing
  • Last updated : Oct-31-2024 04:51:54 AM
  • TransGroup :
  • View : 547,557
  • Genres : Comedy , Fantasy , Action , Romance , Harem , Shounen , Isekai
  • Rating :
  • rate : 4.3 / 5 - 384 votes

Yuusha-sama, Sakuya mo Otanoshimi deshita ne. summary:

"I did it again...!"The Hero who can't seem to set out on his journey!!The protagonist, who was reincarnated into another world, becomes a hero and receives the task of defeating the Demon King. To repay the world that accepted him , he decides to set out on a journey... However, he can't seem to leave the first village, as he is constantly tempted by charming heroines such as the female priestess, his childhood friend who is a magician, and so on!Thus, the birth of the "I did it again...!" type hero!
Chapter name View Time uploaded
Chapter 10.5 - 10-31 04:51
Chapter 10 - 10-31 04:50
Chapter 9 - 10-31 04:49
Chapter 8 - 10-31 04:48
Chapter 7 - 10-31 04:46
Chapter 6 - 10-31 04:45
Chapter 5 - 10-30 02:17
Chapter 4 - 10-30 02:17
Chapter 3 - 10-30 02:16
Chapter 2 - 10-30 02:16
Chapter 1 - 10-30 02:16

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