Our Idol Sangeun
- Author(s) : Simsang
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Nov-02-2024 10:03:20 AM
- View : 138,700
- Genres : Supernatural , Drama , Fantasy , Action , Slice of life , School life , Horror , Psychological , Mystery , Martial arts
- Rating :
- rate : 4.14 / 5 - 47 votes
Our Idol Sangeun summary:
Help me escape from this place. Nokram is a utopia, its citizens happy and smiling except for Juri, who sees a paradox in the facade of happiness. At her school's graduation, she stumbles upon a dark secret, and after a failed escape, she is saved by a girl with mysterious abilities. Will this new hero be the key to her way out?Our Idols
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