Ni He Zhao Pian Bu Yi Yang
- Author(s) : 阿太, Changpei Literature (长佩文学), 余酲
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 02:12:29 PM
- View : 27,700
- Genres : Comedy , Drama , Romance , Slice of life
- Rating :
- rate : 4.4 / 5 - 4 votes
Ni He Zhao Pian Bu Yi Yang summary:
Gu Yi Le's parents introduced him to a partner; he’s studying abroad and there’s still half a year before he returns, so he adds him on WeChat first to foster feelings. Day 1 of being added as friends, he says: Hello, my name is Liang Dong, I’m 1 year older than you. Day 2: Hello, good morning. Day 3: Hello, have you eaten? Day 4: Hello, make sure to drink more warm water. Gu Yi Le could no longer hold back, and asked online: Is this guy using me as a punch clock? A week later, he thought of sharing photos with each other to see whether they’re a good match.A Cool, Gentle Handsome Man X Witty Artist Beauty