I Was Acknowledged as a Useless Good-for-Nothing so I Moved to the Empire to Get Ahead in Life
Alternative : I Was Acknowledged as a Useless Good-for-Nothing so I Moved to the Empire to Get Ahead in Life; Mudameshigurai Nintei Sareta Node Aiso wo Tsukashi, Teikoku ni Utsutte Shusse Suru: Oukoku no Erai Hito ni wa Sore ga Wakaran no desu; 無駄飯食らい認定されたので愛想をつかし、帝国に移って出世する ~王国の偉い人にはそれが分からんのです~; Mudameshi kurai nintei sareta node aisoo tsukashi teikoku ni utsute shusse suru ookuku no erai hitoni wa sore ga wakara no desu; 因為被認定為吃白飯,所以很不討人喜歡,搬到帝國去出人頭地 ~王國的偉人都不知道這件事~
- Author(s) : Jin Aino, Souta Sumizawa, Manyako
- Status : Releasing
- Last updated : Mar-22-2025 09:35:49 PM
- View : 16,646
- Genres : Action , Adventure , Comedy , Fantasy , Magic , Romance
- Rating :
- mangakakalove.com rate : 4.5 / 5 - 4 votes
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I Was Acknowledged as a Useless Good-for-Nothing so I Moved to the Empire to Get Ahead in Life summary:
Lutz had been living in a kingdom that did not allow commoners to climb the social ladder nor recognize their hard work. He grew tired of this unjust system and decided to move to the Empire, which was a true meritocracy. The Empire valued hard work and creativity, unlike the kingdom that had once rejected Lutz's special magic. In the Empire, Lutz's magic was powerful enough to defeat platoon level monsters. Excited to live in a land where values are upheld and hard work is rewarded, Lutz embarked on a fast-paced magical isekai fantasy adventure.