I Hit The Button For A Million Years And Before I Knew It, I Was The Strongest.
- Author(s) : Shido, Yutaro (Art), Tsukishima, Shuuichi (null)
- Status : Đang tiến hành
- Last updated : Sep-11-2024 05:43:04 AM
- View : 25,577
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I Hit The Button For A Million Years And Before I Knew It, I Was The Strongest. summary:
Allen is a boy who is despised as a failed swordsman. One day, desperate for a duel with an elite swordsman who bets on leaving Kenjutsu Academy, a mysterious hermit asks him if he will press the "100 million year button." Can the mysterious object really help him train for 100 million years? (Source: Kadokawa, translated)
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