Choukyori Renai No Kodoku
- Author(s) : Hashiba Maki
- Status : Ongoing
- Last updated : Oct-29-2024 05:07:13 PM
- View : 237,800
- Genres : Drama , Erotica , Romance , Slice of life , Sports
- Rating :
- rate : 3.56 / 5 - 96 votes
Choukyori Renai No Kodoku summary:
The sweet story of the long distance relationship between a hockey player and a dentist — Shawn and Arthur.At times, reticent Arthur causes Shawn to have doubts. At times, the dentist's actions and the things he says unexpectedly always puts those uneasiness at rest, leaving Shawn more sure than ever of his love.Also includes a oneshot called Subway '88.
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